Bluffton Rush SC believes players develop more quickly and have more fun when they are allowed to play in an environment in which they are encouraged to take chances and be creative. Experimenting and making mistakes are part of the learning process and must be embraced. The best teacher of the game of soccer is the game itself. This is never more evident than in the game of futsal. Players are constantly put in situations where they must pass, receive, dribble, and move, while under pressure, in a confined space. They must make quick decisions and play quickly. Futsal is a fun and fast-paced way for players to hone their technical skills and tactical awareness, both skills critical to excellence in the outside game. BRSC has developed a futsal program and encourages all players to participate.
Often regarded as just a rainy-day option to its outdoor cousin, futsal is often misconstrued. It is a dynamic, fast-paced game played at the international level. It has its own rules, leagues and associations. Futsal is played on a hard surface, often a basketball court. It is played with a special ball that is weighted to minimize bounces. Futsal encourages making fast decisions, quick technical play and a highly focused mentality. Because it is so fast and played in a smaller space, players also develop keen tactical awareness. They learn to create, recognize and exploit space far more quickly and effectively than outdoors. Finally, players get an abundance of touches on the ball and enjoy the fast-paced nature of the game.
Typically, indoor soccer is played with walls. Walls create an artificial soccer environment that has no correlation to the outdoor game. If a pass goes long or a shot goes wide, it is forgiven. The ball simply rebounds back into play. Players cannot learn from mistakes because mistakes rarely have consequences. Futsal demands focus and technical accuracy. Indoor soccer does not. From a developmental standpoint, futsal is far superior to playing a game with walls.
Bluffton Rush Soccer Club
25 Sorrelwood Drive
Bluffton, South Carolina 29910
Phone: 843-384-6509
“Where the Trails of Passion and Purpose Meet, Begins the Path to Victory"